2010년 9월 24일 금요일

Blog assignment 3: BOBBI BROWN

"Making womans beautiful dream come true"

Truth of brand meets truth of consumer
 For today’s assignment, I would like to write about the cosmetic brand called ‘BOBBI BROWN’.(And I ‘m not trying to advertise bobbie brown brand or something, I just like this brand as a customer! haha) I’m so excited about writing about what I like and since I’m a fan of this brand I want to focus on the experience of products as a whole brand. When we talk about brand experience, I think cosmetic is one of the important theme to talk about, since cosmetics are all about the experience that women get from them. And I thought BOBBI BRWON is successfully managing and marketing about customer experience especially building close relationship with their customers and giving satisfactory experience both with products and services.
 According to what I learned in advertising class recently, there is saying that “truth of brand meets truth of consumers’ life”. It was impressive phrase to me as I’m taking customer insight class, and I really agree to it. Brands can find consumers’ insights by truly building up their brand, concerning about customer’s satisfaction, experience, service and usage of products. I also as a customer had a meaningful experience in purchasing and usage moments, and I feel like I have closer relationship with BOBBI BROWN than other brands.


      To briefly explain about the brand BOBBI BROWN, it was named after
make-up artist called Bobbi Brown herself, and she became one of the most successful make-up business woman worldwide. She majored in theatre make-up in college, and took charge in famous stars’ make-up for her career. She was always dissatisfied with artificial lipstick colors and finally she invented her own lipstick products and jumped into cosmetic market. She came up with 10 colors of lipsticks which were really natural color almost same as our actual lip colors. And she sold 100 lipsticks just at the first day of launching, and since then, her cosmetic business expanded dramatically.
What was special about her products was that she came up with innovative idea about cosmetic which changed the trend of make-up since then. Cosmetics at that time were all artificial colors which tried best to hide woman’s natural skin colors. However, Bobbi thought that the most beautiful color is woman’s natural skin color. Bobbi said that make-up is strengthening the merits that woman herself has, and helping her to make her more beautiful and confident with herself. From this honest and truthful thought about woman’s beauty, she puts her philosophy into her products and helps all women to “make their beauty dream come true”. 

   CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE (Moment of purchase)
  The ‘experience of BOBBI BROWN’ starts at the moment you enter the bobbi brown stores. Make-up artists working in those stores are all professional make-up artists who are trained specially with BOBBI BROWN customer service programs. A point of contact with salesperson in a store is very important because it is the moment that customer forms the image and makes an impression about the brand. And bobbi brown is managing those moments of contact successfully by training artists with good service mind, and also showing their professionalism to market their products.
When you enter the store, one of artists will be contacting you right away to begin your cosmetic shopping together with professional assistance. What I really like about this brand is that those professional artists try their best to make your shopping efficient and meaningful as possible by helping you choose cosmetics that will fit you better, giving you information about products and testing all the cosmetics you want.
It’s one-to-one service, caring only about you as one customer individually. That kind of carful service that makes you feel like you are cared by the brand as an important customer and it is what makes the customer experience special. Expert make-up artists listen and discuss about your skin condition and cosmetic preferences sincerely, and try their best to satisfy your beauty desires and at the same time marketing their products. They recommend cosmetics that woman customer really needs, and test those products on your face so that you can actually feel about the products. When I got make-up test by professional make-up artists, I felt like as if I was getting a full make-up service at beauty salon like famous star, and this experience made me feel good about this brand. Also, I bought more cosmetics than I was actually thinking about buying after trying them on my face, because I could actually see how it looks on me, and it motivated me to wanting to buy more cosmetics.

 BOBBI BROWN is well understanding women’s desire about cosmetics, and they know how to treat woman customers and bring about customer satisfaction at highest level. Those salesperson (make-up artists) who is actually meeting customers at the moment of purchase act as an important bridge connecting the brand and customer. And bobbi brown understands this fact and focuses on training their workers with their own service philosophy.
 Also, what made me impressive was regarding the sanitary matter seriously in the stores. Hundreds of customers visit cosmetic stores and they try on every test samples. It could be unsanitary to share cosmetics with strangers and woman are really sensitive about cleanness especially things that they put on their face. Bobbie brown therefore use clean tools for every customers and take out little portion of cosmetic that will be used for once. It’s just little care, but it makes customer experience more favorable and positive which ultimately get to positive recognition about brand.

After purchase(Experience continued]

    After the moment of purchase, their effort to maximize the satisfaction of customer experience still continues. Cosmetic is sensitive to trend and fashion, and so do women customers, so constant contact with customers and sharing information is very important. To do that, BOBBI BROWN uses the most basic marketing tool which is sending letters about new products information. This could be the most useless tool for marketing products, but it includes tickets that can be exchanged for samples of new products and those samples worth a lot. At first, this sample marketing was regarded waste of marketing budget, and said that it would not efficient. But this strategy is still a successful tool to keep in touch with customers. This way, it motivates woman to actually visit the stores and get the free samples, and it is naturally continued to buying the products.
   Women customers can get information about latest cosmetic products, and at the same time they get to get free samples just because they are registered as a customer to this brand. It’s customer care service that generate more purchase, and it’s extension of bobbi brown experience. Customers feel like they are in close relationship with bobbi brown, and it gets stronger as they become more loyal to the brand. I also look carefully about the information that they send to me, and I also bought many products just by getting information about new products and sample coupons.

Marketing that cares about consumer experience

     From what we’ve learned in class, BOBBI BROWN is well achieving the ‘sense’ and ‘feel’ part of actualizing consumer experience. Since their target market is women, they know that women customers are more sensitive and sharp about products and choices. To satisfy those target customers and to market their products at the same time, they are trying to understand better about how women sense and feel about experience that they get from bobbi brown. Cosmetic is about dream and fantasy, that help woman to fulfill their desires and bobbi brown products are meeting with sensibility of women in fundamental level. They stimulate woman with their desires, and not only the product itself, but the service that woman experience from bobbi brown make them feel like beautiful woman and more confident about herself.
     Also, we’ve learned that ‘customers being loyal to the brand’ is also one of the important factors that make the brand successful. Cosmetics is special in the sense that women look for products that fit well with their skin type, and usually women customers prefer to stick with one brand. To build strong base of loyal customers, generating positive experience and building close relationship with them is very important. In this sense, bobbi brown’s sincere care about customers and giving them with special experience is showing successful marketing effects.  

2010년 9월 14일 화요일

Blog assignment 2 : Persona on 'Jina-like' or 'Jina-ish' people

Persona about Jina ( 'Jina-like'  'Jina-ish' people )

Sensitive, active , smart and beauty-holic students

General profile
Gender : Female
Country : Korea
Age : 20
Occupation : College Junior student
Abroad experience : China(lived for 4 years ) / Singapore (Educational contest) / England(Orchestra tour) / USA(Studying abroad program)
Language : Chinese(Basic) / English(Fluent- international school experienc)
Persona classification : Asian(Korean) female college students type A

 She is 20years old girl who is junior student in college, who spent freshman and sophomore years with a lot of college student experiences such as hanging around with friends, shopping, meeting people, partying, drinking, going out boyfriends, part time jobs, traveling etc. However, she also studies hard to get high grades in college because she doesn’t want to get behind from other students. She wants to manage both studying at doing activities well, also she tries to stay fit with exercising. She is strict at herself and on managing time, and dreams for successful future career. She is passionate and young, and tries to be seen strong, mighty and independent. She likes things that make her look professional and self disciplined. She wants to balance her studying, health, and friends well. Also, she is very sensitive to other people’s attention. After entering the college, she is interested in making herself up with clothes, cosmetics, shoes. She likes shopping and earns money from part time job to purchase expensive beauty related stuffs that she wants to buy. She seems little bit extravagant on buying clothes and cosmetics, but she is satisfied with it. She is very sensitive to latest fashion style, and she wants to become a professional working woman in the future.

 She is full of drive in everything she does, if she thinks it’s helpful to her in some way. Se actively participates in career related meetings, and tries to do her best. She is bright and good at communicating with various people. But she makes some mistakes in personal relationships and she is experiencing it. She’s particular on what she buys, what she eats, and who she is with. She wants to be in charge of choosing selections from the group, and she speaks her voice.
 She has close relatioanship with her mother. Her mother has powerful influence on her choices. She gets advice from her mother about personal hardships, and she relies on her a lot. For buying expensive products that she needs, her mother is in charge of deciding whether to buy it or not.


- She is mainly interested in trend and fashion. She likes shopping, and collecting shoes. Also she is very interested in cosmetics.
- Recently, after turning into junior year, she is very interested in career information. She now wants to study harder and focus on preparing for getting a job.
- She tries to go to the gym every day to stay in fit and she is very sensitive to her appearance and body. She is also interested in low calorie food and diet related information since she wants to stay healthy.
- She buys high-tech gadgets such as laptop, mobile phone, mp3 player
- She is interested in international relationship, opportunities going abroad, she wants to broaden her views and wants to move around the world
- she likes to meet male friends and hang out with them. Also she is interested in looking for good looking males
- interested in dancing and singing and wants to improve her artistic skills, learn instruments as hobby
- like drinking with people, go to bars , but controls herself not to get drunken
- she is particular on fashion brands, and she wishes to buy fancy brands but they are expensive and too much for her to afford. She knows that it doesn’t go along well with girls around that age
- She cares about her family members and buy a lot of stuffs for family. She takes anniversaries seriously, and always prepares gifts and surprise parties for her family events
- she likes visiting famous and delicious restaurants / she looks for information about good food places
- wants to travel and find about unknown world

Goals and Needs
-likes to get a trendy job / wants to be professional business woman / looking for efficient way to get information about career
-wants to travel around the world / looking for travel information /

Life style
Fashion- Shopping/ collecting / make-up /
Activity – gym /running/ jogging / yoga / dieting /
Meeting – friends/ coffee / party / opposite genders /
Leisure time – movie / dating / travelling/
Vacation – part time job/ self-improvement / learning /
Studying habit – library / café / laptop / for good grades/