2010년 10월 29일 금요일

Blog assignment 5 : Book + Toaster

" a BOOK + a TOAST "

* First word: (book)

    When I think of a book , it’s a square shaped object bunch of papers that is the most simplest format but has the most enormous imagined world behind it. Knowledge , story, history, communication, words, ink, black and white, imagination, thoughts, tool, treasure, paper, heavy.
    A book is like a coding of imagination and stories. We made the sets and rules of codes to translate our imagination and dreamed world. A book is always and usually rectangular shape which has longer height and shorter width. It’s always the same shape with a bit difference in sizes and we naturally accept it’s consistent shape and design. The first person to create the book maybe had made it in that shape with some important values, such as efficiency of holding it, printing it, binding it etc. and we don’t suspect that fact.
Everyone uses and has books and it’s the most important tool of communication. We produce a tons of books everyday and millions of people purchase millions of books everyday. When a person buys a book, it’s read once, few times or none and kept in somewhere around house for long time. The story inside just stays wherever it is placed.  
   Reading a book makes me think of peaceful ambience like sunny afternoon by the lake or the river. The feeling of a book is more emotional to than rational to me and more thoughts than facts. A book itself as a object is just a square shaped, hard covered or not, thick and packed papers. After done reading, they are put on shelves for long time and piled up together with other similar looking books. It seems like it has no use after being read by a person, and just stacked up in some place without used for long time. But we reuse the book for many ways. We recycle it, resell it, lend it to others, share it, give it as a gift, use it as a prop for pots, decoration, umbrella.Usually we don’t rip a book. It’s maybe because we tend to think it has such a worth values that we feel bad if we tear it.

* Second word : (Toast)

     A toast represents a image of morning to me. It’s not because I eat toasts in the morning, but I used to dream my busy and successful career life eating toast in the morning for saving time, in my cozy and luxury house and going to work. Toast is just simple bread toasted in a toaster and a main meal or snack for some people. It’s easy to make and substituted as meal and most of the people use toaster. It’s our basic source of meal made out of wheat or mill, and it’s cooked in various styles and methods.
    We hate when a slice of bread is burnt in a toaster or not toasted enough, since a toast is meant for quick and time saving meal. We usually eat it with orange juice or milk and butter, jams. Even it’s just a slice of bread toasted in a toaster, it has different kinds and diversity of taste regarding who makes it or how it’s made. For example, French toast is a popular menu for people. Every household has different kinds of making a toast, and I especially love my mother’s way of making it which a slice of bread is wetted with milk and egg, toasted on the pan and sprinkled sugar at the last.
     It’s popular selection of menu these days, and there are many cafes or restaurants selling toasts as a morning menu with different kinds of it. A toast is also evolving. Mixed with other ingredients, and hundreds of different cooking recipes invented by people, it’s regarded as a potential and profitable element for many entrepreneurs.

* Ideas combined
- A toast that has book looking shape 
- A book that has a cover with toast picture on it and has toast shape design
- A cooking recipe book with different kinds of making a toast
- A café that sells coffee and toast, and provide books for customers to read it with them
- A slice of bread that has stories(from the book) engraved on it with special elements, that becomes visible when it is toasted through toaster, people can read it like a book while they are eating it
- A toaster that is book looking shape and makes a slice of bread into book shape when it’s toasted
- You can promote a special product combination of a book and a toast, and use it as a marketing tool when promoting a new book, people can eat toast at the same time when they buy a book 
- A store that gives you toast for exchanging with your old books. Your old books act as a money and you can exchange it for a toast (like a charity shop)
- A book about the history of toast
- A book made out of papers that can be used as a wrapping toast, it has stories written on papers but originally intended as a toast wrappers and looks like a book
- A toaster that only works after you read certain pages of a book, it’s energy comes from how much knowledge you gained from a book, and it depends on how many pages you read it. It’s somehow connected your brain and electricity is gained as you read more. A toaster is heated as you read along, and it shows how much power you have earned and how much left to read for gaining full energy for a toaster to be toasted. You can only eat a toast when you finish reading certain pages of book assigned for a day(eligible for children like a toy toaster that makes children read more
- Sell a toast and give out a stamp or customer points that can be exchanged for buying a book

* Most viable product
   “Bread that has message one it”
It’s same as normal slices of breads, but some messages are engraved on the sides of bread and it only shows up when it is toasted. It’s engraved with special elements, and it is visible when it’s heated. It could be fun activity for children or adults too, and it’s more fun than just white bread. They get to read some messages on the bread when it comes out of a toaster.

    “A reader gets a toast!” - a toy toaster
It’s like a toy toaster for young children. The idea behind this toaster is that its energy to toast a slice of bread is generated only by the energy of a person who reads a book. It’s kind of a motivator for children to read books and in exchange, they can get a toast. The idea that they can generate the machine by their energy put into reading a book is fun idea for children, and it can motivate children to read more books. In psychological backgrounds, children are more tend to do things that they don’t want to do if they get something in return as a reward. And when the reward is something that they like, they tend to be more passionate about achieving the goal. They feel fulfillment by getting the reward, and it can successfully motive a child to grow their concentration and efforts. It’s somehow connected to children’s part of body, and shows how much energy to be gained to heat up the toaster. A child get’s eager to generate the machine, and they concentrate better on the reading to gain more energy to make toaster work. The toaster shows how much power it is gained, and it’s normally just simple system of displaying light that goes up regularly based on certain amount of time range. When it becomes full, the toast is done and a child successfully has generated machine to get a full toast. It could be a fun playing event with parents and good habit for children.

댓글 1개:

  1. Jina,

    Interesting thoughts here. Toast and book are unusual combination but you've suggested creative yet viable ideas. I personally liked "a book made out of papers that can be used as a wrapping toast." Perhaps toast maker can write a little message on the wrap paper. Parents who have kids will be definitely interested in this. I can see you've put lots of effort and time to develop such ideas. Good work!
