2010년 11월 15일 월요일

Blog assignment 6 : 'Social Media'

       Few weeks ago, I watched a video in Youtube website and it is one of the coca-cola company’s campaign    that they did. What they did is that they put vending machine in college and try to surprise people who buy cokes by pouring out coke bottles or giving out free stuffs from vending machine hole, which is never expected to happen. The impact of this simple test was huge. It was not only surprising their customers but delivering happiness and sharing them with people around them creating unique memories and experiences. Right after this video clip was posted, it rated more than 30 million clicks. It was made under the logo of ‘Open Happiness’ meaning that happiness begins when you buy a coke and it really proved true! Even me, who was just watching that video could feel the happiness and surprise emotion that the actual person who was stunned by the pouring cokes felt, and it was so impressive and big impact that it remains in my mind. I spread words to friends about this fun coca-cola campaign even without noticing it, and here comes the power of ‘social media’ effect.  
This fun video was spread quickly through blog, twitter, facebook and what the company did was just uploading one video not huge marketing campaign.  They didn’t focus on advertising their products or company. What they did was just to create happenings for their customers and of course, happy happenings.

“The point of social media marketing is here, is ‘making people talk about it themselves’”.

      The emphasis is on the each one of individual self. Those each individuals are influential that they affect each other equally (it’s true that sometimes there are some individuals who are more influential than others, but in terms of consumers). Social media marketing is to trigger those influential individuals to affect each other through the tool ‘social media’ and trigger them slightly enough to let them talk about it themselves. What company does is to create positive and surprising experiences that are just enough to be triggered, and expose their brands with it and let them recognize the experience and the brand together.
The famous quote said by the social media marketing director of coca-cola is that “as a globally well known brand, we have responsibility to respond to people who talk and gossip about our brand “. These days marketing world is talking about social media everywhere. It’s evolving vigorously everyday and its influence is getting so powerful and unpredictable that we can’t help paying attention to it. So, what is the social media?

WHAT is social media?

    Based on the advent of technology Web 2.0, the social media is proliferated so quickly into our society in accordance with the popularization of digital gadgets like cell phones, digital cameras and smart phones. People can share about their photos, videos, and words in everywhere and everywhen simultaneously and this communication activity is becoming strong base. People voluntarily participate in relationship and communication through social media and continuing network connects people who are willing to participate.
      Youtube, twitter, blog, facebook are based on platform that is personalized, connects with other friends, share information and continue their communication in ubiquitous connection status. It changed the individuals’ life style and paradigm of marketing communication in business world.

WHAT does it do?

     Using this idea and system of social media, the concept of social media marketing arises in the business world. the concept of social media marketing is a certain type of communication activity that companies try to understand consumers’ needs and wants and also sustain relationships with instant responses based on openness and connections of various point of contacts created by social media. Social media act as more than just tool for promotion for companies because it involves more voluntary participation of consumers themselves. They became more active in their roles and influences in the relationship between the company and themselves and they send information to companies as well as much as they get information from companies. It similar to the concept of ‘prosumer’ which combines the word producer and consumer together, and it refers to the idea consumer more acting like producer as well. Social media has created background for those prosumers and its natural phenomenon that more consumers are becoming prosumers. Due to social media, the relationship between the company and consumer has been reinforced.

  According to one of the article that I read, the reasons that consumers ‘follows’ certain brands’ twitter is that 1) they want to get information about newly released products which social media can be effective promotion tool in this sense, 2) they want to communicate with brands and build relationships and social media acts as tool for feedbacks and keeping consumer participation, 3) they want to save money because they can get sales information and social media can be also effective promotion tool here, 4) they just want to enjoy the fun contents that companies create 5) lastly they want to show their loyalty to their favorite brands and people who fall into this category is the most influential and valuable customers to companies since they are willing to spend their time and effort to spread positive information to influence others about brands when properly communicated with companies.

“The characteristic of social media marketing can be said ‘voluntariness’, ‘real time’, ‘connectivity’.”

    By understanding reasons why consumers use social media, I thought that it gives some clues and directions to companies about how and where they need to head themselves toward the enlarging market of social media. It reveals that companies need to effectively use the social media as promotion and communication tool to deliver information about their brands using the advantage of social media being ‘real time’. Also, they need to create platform for consumers to participate and express their opinions, feedbacks . Not only providing information through social media, they need to put effort to provide interactive contents to consumers including the element of fun and approach proper types of consumers in proper types of media to get positive responses from them.

WHAT can companies do?
 Regarding the point of finding consumers’ insights through social media, the important value is ‘active thoughts and experience’. People talk more about their thoughts and opinions than ever before and those “voluntarily revealed information about individuals through social media include hidden needs and behaviors called ‘customer insights’ that were impossible to detect before”. The strongest advantage of social media is that companies can interpret many consumers various trends and needs and find opportunity in developing or improving new products. According to one of the market research, only the 5% of needs are actually verbally expressed from what they want. Like this fact, social media is effective way to look for hidden insights that have never been expressed from consumers.

"For example, when the company Apple released their new product ipad, the number of messages delivered through twitter was over 500,000. The Apple found interesting fact that the word that consumers used the most number of times when talking about ipad turned out to be the word ‘case’ and they could see that the consumers were more interested in cases that protect their expensive gadget. Due to this interesting insights, Apple could utilize this new opportunity to focus more on developing efficient cases for ipad and it was successful. "
Social media is voluntarily used by consumers but as we can see from the example, it can be used for companies to gain the insights and actually impact their business strategy. It’s becoming valuable and effective source for them to reveal the hidden insights and it’s even positive than traditional marketing strategy that companies used to do in the past because it’s voluntarily done by consumers for their own interest.
Social media is created through all contents that created by consumer themselves. The contents and responses reflect what consumers think about brands. Due to this daily life contents and comments, companies can find useful insights and come up with solutions. Those thoughts and opinions expressed through social media can reveal hidden insights than cannot be gained through artificial and quantitative research methods. Companies should concentrate on looking for valuable insights in qualitative data pouring out from social media and reflect them on their future plans and build fellowship with their customers.
Beyond the advantage of social media that company can find and understand consumers’ insights, also it motivates company to create customer experiences too.  Another role that social media can act for companies I think is making customers become enthusiastic about their brand by providing creative contents. It doesn’t take a lot of marketing budget or long term plan, but generate huge impact on brand recognition and loyalty. This reason was also one of the reasons why people follow brands’ twitter too. People using social media are looking for more fun and creative stuffs everyday and that is why people create their contents to express themselves. Interesting and creative contents attract people’s attention and thanks to real time social media, its power of attracting many peoples’ attention in a short time is unpredictable.
   Companies can use this advantage, and drag more peoples’ attention on their brand, expose, make fun, impress, and attract customers. Like the coca-cola video, companies are focusing on creating more fun experiences on their brands and products, and the practice itself dragged attention. Therefore, companies need to become one of the member of using social media themselves so that they can build strong bond of sympathy. They need to act as one of the most active contents creator and try to create consumers experiences as well.

* Useful resoure : http://www.engagementdb.com/
ENGAGEMENTdb Report 2009 : Ranking the top 100 Global Brands
It's posted by the company called Altimerter Group founded by  Charlene Li who was co-author of Groundswell .

2010년 10월 29일 금요일

Blog assignment 5 : Book + Toaster

" a BOOK + a TOAST "

* First word: (book)

    When I think of a book , it’s a square shaped object bunch of papers that is the most simplest format but has the most enormous imagined world behind it. Knowledge , story, history, communication, words, ink, black and white, imagination, thoughts, tool, treasure, paper, heavy.
    A book is like a coding of imagination and stories. We made the sets and rules of codes to translate our imagination and dreamed world. A book is always and usually rectangular shape which has longer height and shorter width. It’s always the same shape with a bit difference in sizes and we naturally accept it’s consistent shape and design. The first person to create the book maybe had made it in that shape with some important values, such as efficiency of holding it, printing it, binding it etc. and we don’t suspect that fact.
Everyone uses and has books and it’s the most important tool of communication. We produce a tons of books everyday and millions of people purchase millions of books everyday. When a person buys a book, it’s read once, few times or none and kept in somewhere around house for long time. The story inside just stays wherever it is placed.  
   Reading a book makes me think of peaceful ambience like sunny afternoon by the lake or the river. The feeling of a book is more emotional to than rational to me and more thoughts than facts. A book itself as a object is just a square shaped, hard covered or not, thick and packed papers. After done reading, they are put on shelves for long time and piled up together with other similar looking books. It seems like it has no use after being read by a person, and just stacked up in some place without used for long time. But we reuse the book for many ways. We recycle it, resell it, lend it to others, share it, give it as a gift, use it as a prop for pots, decoration, umbrella.Usually we don’t rip a book. It’s maybe because we tend to think it has such a worth values that we feel bad if we tear it.

* Second word : (Toast)

     A toast represents a image of morning to me. It’s not because I eat toasts in the morning, but I used to dream my busy and successful career life eating toast in the morning for saving time, in my cozy and luxury house and going to work. Toast is just simple bread toasted in a toaster and a main meal or snack for some people. It’s easy to make and substituted as meal and most of the people use toaster. It’s our basic source of meal made out of wheat or mill, and it’s cooked in various styles and methods.
    We hate when a slice of bread is burnt in a toaster or not toasted enough, since a toast is meant for quick and time saving meal. We usually eat it with orange juice or milk and butter, jams. Even it’s just a slice of bread toasted in a toaster, it has different kinds and diversity of taste regarding who makes it or how it’s made. For example, French toast is a popular menu for people. Every household has different kinds of making a toast, and I especially love my mother’s way of making it which a slice of bread is wetted with milk and egg, toasted on the pan and sprinkled sugar at the last.
     It’s popular selection of menu these days, and there are many cafes or restaurants selling toasts as a morning menu with different kinds of it. A toast is also evolving. Mixed with other ingredients, and hundreds of different cooking recipes invented by people, it’s regarded as a potential and profitable element for many entrepreneurs.

* Ideas combined
- A toast that has book looking shape 
- A book that has a cover with toast picture on it and has toast shape design
- A cooking recipe book with different kinds of making a toast
- A café that sells coffee and toast, and provide books for customers to read it with them
- A slice of bread that has stories(from the book) engraved on it with special elements, that becomes visible when it is toasted through toaster, people can read it like a book while they are eating it
- A toaster that is book looking shape and makes a slice of bread into book shape when it’s toasted
- You can promote a special product combination of a book and a toast, and use it as a marketing tool when promoting a new book, people can eat toast at the same time when they buy a book 
- A store that gives you toast for exchanging with your old books. Your old books act as a money and you can exchange it for a toast (like a charity shop)
- A book about the history of toast
- A book made out of papers that can be used as a wrapping toast, it has stories written on papers but originally intended as a toast wrappers and looks like a book
- A toaster that only works after you read certain pages of a book, it’s energy comes from how much knowledge you gained from a book, and it depends on how many pages you read it. It’s somehow connected your brain and electricity is gained as you read more. A toaster is heated as you read along, and it shows how much power you have earned and how much left to read for gaining full energy for a toaster to be toasted. You can only eat a toast when you finish reading certain pages of book assigned for a day(eligible for children like a toy toaster that makes children read more
- Sell a toast and give out a stamp or customer points that can be exchanged for buying a book

* Most viable product
   “Bread that has message one it”
It’s same as normal slices of breads, but some messages are engraved on the sides of bread and it only shows up when it is toasted. It’s engraved with special elements, and it is visible when it’s heated. It could be fun activity for children or adults too, and it’s more fun than just white bread. They get to read some messages on the bread when it comes out of a toaster.

    “A reader gets a toast!” - a toy toaster
It’s like a toy toaster for young children. The idea behind this toaster is that its energy to toast a slice of bread is generated only by the energy of a person who reads a book. It’s kind of a motivator for children to read books and in exchange, they can get a toast. The idea that they can generate the machine by their energy put into reading a book is fun idea for children, and it can motivate children to read more books. In psychological backgrounds, children are more tend to do things that they don’t want to do if they get something in return as a reward. And when the reward is something that they like, they tend to be more passionate about achieving the goal. They feel fulfillment by getting the reward, and it can successfully motive a child to grow their concentration and efforts. It’s somehow connected to children’s part of body, and shows how much energy to be gained to heat up the toaster. A child get’s eager to generate the machine, and they concentrate better on the reading to gain more energy to make toaster work. The toaster shows how much power it is gained, and it’s normally just simple system of displaying light that goes up regularly based on certain amount of time range. When it becomes full, the toast is done and a child successfully has generated machine to get a full toast. It could be a fun playing event with parents and good habit for children.

2010년 10월 11일 월요일

Blog assignment 4 : Green consumer

"Green consumer", turning into new sustainable lifestyle


Ethical shopper
 Sustainable consumer
Eco-friendly product consumer

For doing this research, I really wanted to use advantage of the assignment that I can choose the topic which I want to look further into. Many concepts and words came up in my mind that I want to research about, and the most intriguing word to me was ‘green’. I was always interested in the phenomenon where many companies and products starting to advertise them as green, and sustainable. To be honest, as a consumer, I wasn’t very influenced by those catchy words and phrases and the design and quality of products were the priority factors for me when choosing the product. However, I began to think about the values behind those green products and reasons why business world is turning toward the word ‘green’. And more than green products, it’s affecting consumers’ lifestyle and consuming habits.

Being eco-friendly and green has been a seething issue among every aspect in our world for a long time. And this issue is deeply reaching into business world too. Efforts to protect the environment and to minimize the harm on the nature are basic principle for business and how to approach this theme is a question that companies should solve. Many companies and manufacturers have developed various and unique approaches that suit their business concept and brand story to step into better market place, which we call ‘sustainable growth’. It is definitely obvious phenomenon that there are increasing numbers of consumers who want to consume green and sustainable products. It’s a trend and change in consumers’ thoughts and behaviors and early movers accept this change as a good opportunity. It is unquestionable that everyone wants to be a good member of society and in globe community. That is why being green can help more people to be involved in good conducts by giving them chances, which is purchasing greener products.

The word green or sustainable consumer appeared pretty long time ago, but it’s definitely becoming a recent and popular trend in business world. Green consumer is also segmented as a target market that is profitable enough for companies to enter. The representative examples that I started thinking about was the handmade cosmetic brand ‘lush’ and ‘The body shop’. Both of them are well known for providing organic and eco-friendly cosmetics which are both beneficial for cosmetic users because they are made out of natural ingredients, and also for the environment because they put much efforts to protect environment by having environmentally responsible conducts as a business leader. I think these two brands generate positive effects that they are being environmentally responsible as themselves, and also giving consumers chances to become an environmentally responsible consumer by purchasing their products. I want to research more about that kind of businesses which try to generate customer experiences as being a responsible consumer and creating more values for customers by putting more special stories into their products.

 As we’ve learned in class, the marketing is for creating valuable customer experiences and products should be focused on customer’s values and experiences. Companies that are targeting green consumers are also aimed to create valuable customer experiences by providing eco-friendly missions and values of their companies. And I think that the green products can create more valuable consumers’ experience in terms of their desire to consume greener products, and fulfillment that they will get after purchasing them as being a responsible and ethical member of community. And surely, there are more values and experiences that consumers will get through buying the certain products from various companies.

The question that I will answer through research is
ü  What’s particular about being a green consumer?
ü  What change is there in terms of consumer behavior that more consumers are trying to purchase greener products? Is it a trend? Or it is just new marketing strategy?
ü  Beside just purchasing the green products, do they form a new lifestyle?
ü  What kind of insights did companies found out when they started to target green consumers?
ü  How companies look for consumers needs and wants for green products?
ü  How do companies create more valuable customer experiences by providing green products?
ü  What kind of values and experiences are created by purchasing green products in particular? (specific brands and products examples)
ü  Is it even important to produce green products when fundamental goal and mission of product is being cheaper and convenient?
ü  Is being green competitive for companies who could be more profitable without it?
ü  How being green affect the brand and company in terms of brand equity and image?
ü  How can we inspire more people to involve in becoming a sustainable consumer? (In the premise that all people want to be helpful to environment and become a ethical member )
ü  How marketing approach can be used to generate synergy effect both in sales and protecting environment?

The link attached is a paper defining about factors that affect green consumption and analyzing about consumers’ sustainable lifestyle. Writer tries to give political suggestions to enhance better conducts of having sustainable lifestyle. It contains bit professional and statistical information which was done by theoretical framework, but it includes helpful information about buying habits of green consumers in the broader context of sustainable lifestyle.
The second link is a news article which generally talks about marketing for green consumers and where to start looking at their insights. http://www.businessweek.com/smallbiz/content/mar2007/sb20070305_213937.htm

From doing this research, I will learn about what changes and trends are happening in consumers’ behavior regarding environment aspect, and how companies are trying to create values for their customers. Also this paper will enable me to understand about various and interesting marketing approaches that companies are doing.

2010년 9월 24일 금요일

Blog assignment 3: BOBBI BROWN

"Making womans beautiful dream come true"

Truth of brand meets truth of consumer
 For today’s assignment, I would like to write about the cosmetic brand called ‘BOBBI BROWN’.(And I ‘m not trying to advertise bobbie brown brand or something, I just like this brand as a customer! haha) I’m so excited about writing about what I like and since I’m a fan of this brand I want to focus on the experience of products as a whole brand. When we talk about brand experience, I think cosmetic is one of the important theme to talk about, since cosmetics are all about the experience that women get from them. And I thought BOBBI BRWON is successfully managing and marketing about customer experience especially building close relationship with their customers and giving satisfactory experience both with products and services.
 According to what I learned in advertising class recently, there is saying that “truth of brand meets truth of consumers’ life”. It was impressive phrase to me as I’m taking customer insight class, and I really agree to it. Brands can find consumers’ insights by truly building up their brand, concerning about customer’s satisfaction, experience, service and usage of products. I also as a customer had a meaningful experience in purchasing and usage moments, and I feel like I have closer relationship with BOBBI BROWN than other brands.


      To briefly explain about the brand BOBBI BROWN, it was named after
make-up artist called Bobbi Brown herself, and she became one of the most successful make-up business woman worldwide. She majored in theatre make-up in college, and took charge in famous stars’ make-up for her career. She was always dissatisfied with artificial lipstick colors and finally she invented her own lipstick products and jumped into cosmetic market. She came up with 10 colors of lipsticks which were really natural color almost same as our actual lip colors. And she sold 100 lipsticks just at the first day of launching, and since then, her cosmetic business expanded dramatically.
What was special about her products was that she came up with innovative idea about cosmetic which changed the trend of make-up since then. Cosmetics at that time were all artificial colors which tried best to hide woman’s natural skin colors. However, Bobbi thought that the most beautiful color is woman’s natural skin color. Bobbi said that make-up is strengthening the merits that woman herself has, and helping her to make her more beautiful and confident with herself. From this honest and truthful thought about woman’s beauty, she puts her philosophy into her products and helps all women to “make their beauty dream come true”. 

   CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE (Moment of purchase)
  The ‘experience of BOBBI BROWN’ starts at the moment you enter the bobbi brown stores. Make-up artists working in those stores are all professional make-up artists who are trained specially with BOBBI BROWN customer service programs. A point of contact with salesperson in a store is very important because it is the moment that customer forms the image and makes an impression about the brand. And bobbi brown is managing those moments of contact successfully by training artists with good service mind, and also showing their professionalism to market their products.
When you enter the store, one of artists will be contacting you right away to begin your cosmetic shopping together with professional assistance. What I really like about this brand is that those professional artists try their best to make your shopping efficient and meaningful as possible by helping you choose cosmetics that will fit you better, giving you information about products and testing all the cosmetics you want.
It’s one-to-one service, caring only about you as one customer individually. That kind of carful service that makes you feel like you are cared by the brand as an important customer and it is what makes the customer experience special. Expert make-up artists listen and discuss about your skin condition and cosmetic preferences sincerely, and try their best to satisfy your beauty desires and at the same time marketing their products. They recommend cosmetics that woman customer really needs, and test those products on your face so that you can actually feel about the products. When I got make-up test by professional make-up artists, I felt like as if I was getting a full make-up service at beauty salon like famous star, and this experience made me feel good about this brand. Also, I bought more cosmetics than I was actually thinking about buying after trying them on my face, because I could actually see how it looks on me, and it motivated me to wanting to buy more cosmetics.

 BOBBI BROWN is well understanding women’s desire about cosmetics, and they know how to treat woman customers and bring about customer satisfaction at highest level. Those salesperson (make-up artists) who is actually meeting customers at the moment of purchase act as an important bridge connecting the brand and customer. And bobbi brown understands this fact and focuses on training their workers with their own service philosophy.
 Also, what made me impressive was regarding the sanitary matter seriously in the stores. Hundreds of customers visit cosmetic stores and they try on every test samples. It could be unsanitary to share cosmetics with strangers and woman are really sensitive about cleanness especially things that they put on their face. Bobbie brown therefore use clean tools for every customers and take out little portion of cosmetic that will be used for once. It’s just little care, but it makes customer experience more favorable and positive which ultimately get to positive recognition about brand.

After purchase(Experience continued]

    After the moment of purchase, their effort to maximize the satisfaction of customer experience still continues. Cosmetic is sensitive to trend and fashion, and so do women customers, so constant contact with customers and sharing information is very important. To do that, BOBBI BROWN uses the most basic marketing tool which is sending letters about new products information. This could be the most useless tool for marketing products, but it includes tickets that can be exchanged for samples of new products and those samples worth a lot. At first, this sample marketing was regarded waste of marketing budget, and said that it would not efficient. But this strategy is still a successful tool to keep in touch with customers. This way, it motivates woman to actually visit the stores and get the free samples, and it is naturally continued to buying the products.
   Women customers can get information about latest cosmetic products, and at the same time they get to get free samples just because they are registered as a customer to this brand. It’s customer care service that generate more purchase, and it’s extension of bobbi brown experience. Customers feel like they are in close relationship with bobbi brown, and it gets stronger as they become more loyal to the brand. I also look carefully about the information that they send to me, and I also bought many products just by getting information about new products and sample coupons.

Marketing that cares about consumer experience

     From what we’ve learned in class, BOBBI BROWN is well achieving the ‘sense’ and ‘feel’ part of actualizing consumer experience. Since their target market is women, they know that women customers are more sensitive and sharp about products and choices. To satisfy those target customers and to market their products at the same time, they are trying to understand better about how women sense and feel about experience that they get from bobbi brown. Cosmetic is about dream and fantasy, that help woman to fulfill their desires and bobbi brown products are meeting with sensibility of women in fundamental level. They stimulate woman with their desires, and not only the product itself, but the service that woman experience from bobbi brown make them feel like beautiful woman and more confident about herself.
     Also, we’ve learned that ‘customers being loyal to the brand’ is also one of the important factors that make the brand successful. Cosmetics is special in the sense that women look for products that fit well with their skin type, and usually women customers prefer to stick with one brand. To build strong base of loyal customers, generating positive experience and building close relationship with them is very important. In this sense, bobbi brown’s sincere care about customers and giving them with special experience is showing successful marketing effects.  

2010년 9월 14일 화요일

Blog assignment 2 : Persona on 'Jina-like' or 'Jina-ish' people

Persona about Jina ( 'Jina-like'  'Jina-ish' people )

Sensitive, active , smart and beauty-holic students

General profile
Gender : Female
Country : Korea
Age : 20
Occupation : College Junior student
Abroad experience : China(lived for 4 years ) / Singapore (Educational contest) / England(Orchestra tour) / USA(Studying abroad program)
Language : Chinese(Basic) / English(Fluent- international school experienc)
Persona classification : Asian(Korean) female college students type A

 She is 20years old girl who is junior student in college, who spent freshman and sophomore years with a lot of college student experiences such as hanging around with friends, shopping, meeting people, partying, drinking, going out boyfriends, part time jobs, traveling etc. However, she also studies hard to get high grades in college because she doesn’t want to get behind from other students. She wants to manage both studying at doing activities well, also she tries to stay fit with exercising. She is strict at herself and on managing time, and dreams for successful future career. She is passionate and young, and tries to be seen strong, mighty and independent. She likes things that make her look professional and self disciplined. She wants to balance her studying, health, and friends well. Also, she is very sensitive to other people’s attention. After entering the college, she is interested in making herself up with clothes, cosmetics, shoes. She likes shopping and earns money from part time job to purchase expensive beauty related stuffs that she wants to buy. She seems little bit extravagant on buying clothes and cosmetics, but she is satisfied with it. She is very sensitive to latest fashion style, and she wants to become a professional working woman in the future.

 She is full of drive in everything she does, if she thinks it’s helpful to her in some way. Se actively participates in career related meetings, and tries to do her best. She is bright and good at communicating with various people. But she makes some mistakes in personal relationships and she is experiencing it. She’s particular on what she buys, what she eats, and who she is with. She wants to be in charge of choosing selections from the group, and she speaks her voice.
 She has close relatioanship with her mother. Her mother has powerful influence on her choices. She gets advice from her mother about personal hardships, and she relies on her a lot. For buying expensive products that she needs, her mother is in charge of deciding whether to buy it or not.


- She is mainly interested in trend and fashion. She likes shopping, and collecting shoes. Also she is very interested in cosmetics.
- Recently, after turning into junior year, she is very interested in career information. She now wants to study harder and focus on preparing for getting a job.
- She tries to go to the gym every day to stay in fit and she is very sensitive to her appearance and body. She is also interested in low calorie food and diet related information since she wants to stay healthy.
- She buys high-tech gadgets such as laptop, mobile phone, mp3 player
- She is interested in international relationship, opportunities going abroad, she wants to broaden her views and wants to move around the world
- she likes to meet male friends and hang out with them. Also she is interested in looking for good looking males
- interested in dancing and singing and wants to improve her artistic skills, learn instruments as hobby
- like drinking with people, go to bars , but controls herself not to get drunken
- she is particular on fashion brands, and she wishes to buy fancy brands but they are expensive and too much for her to afford. She knows that it doesn’t go along well with girls around that age
- She cares about her family members and buy a lot of stuffs for family. She takes anniversaries seriously, and always prepares gifts and surprise parties for her family events
- she likes visiting famous and delicious restaurants / she looks for information about good food places
- wants to travel and find about unknown world

Goals and Needs
-likes to get a trendy job / wants to be professional business woman / looking for efficient way to get information about career
-wants to travel around the world / looking for travel information /

Life style
Fashion- Shopping/ collecting / make-up /
Activity – gym /running/ jogging / yoga / dieting /
Meeting – friends/ coffee / party / opposite genders /
Leisure time – movie / dating / travelling/
Vacation – part time job/ self-improvement / learning /
Studying habit – library / café / laptop / for good grades/